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759 professional(s) found

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  • Rongwei XING

    Rongwei XING

    Membership number: ND-117


    See profile
  • Nancy FAUBERT

    Nancy FAUBERT

    Membership number: ND-120

    Naturopath, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Sylvie BISSON

    Sylvie BISSON

    Membership number: ND-301

    Détente, Hygiène et soins personnel, Naturopathy, Relations humaines

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-302

    Emotional management accompaniment, Activité physique, Alimentation, Bilan de santé, Coach PNL, Coaching, Conditionnement physique, Dépression, Détente, Enfants/Adultes, Hypnose, Hypnothérapeute, Hypnothérapie, Naturopath, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Melissa DAIR

    Melissa DAIR

    Membership number: ND-320

    Emotional management accompaniment, Accompagnement psycho-spirituel, Classical homeopathy, Coach holistique, Counseling, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Yu HOU

    Yu HOU

    Membership number: ND-327

    Herbalist, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Julia THOMPSON

    Julia THOMPSON

    Membership number: ND-340

    Homeopathy, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Yu jie HUANG

    Yu jie HUANG

    Membership number: ND-345

    Emotional management accompaniment, Acupression Taoïste, Naturopathy

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-347

    Medecine chinese traditional, Natural health consultant , Naturopath, Naturopathy, Yoga Therapist

    See profile
  • Heather MARTIN

    Heather MARTIN

    Membership number: ND-95

    Naturopath, Naturopathy, Nutrition

    See profile
  • Christine CHAGNON

    Christine CHAGNON, Christine C Naturopathe

    Membership number: ND-359

    Emotional management accompaniment, Accompagnement psycho-spirituel, Alimentation, Approche intégrée en gestion de poids, Art-thérapie, Bilan de santé, Bilan énergétique, Conseiller(ère) en gestions de la santé naturelle, Conseillère en santé, Digestion, Formation 4000 hours and +, Naturopath, Naturopath , Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Cécile BERTRAND

    Cécile BERTRAND

    Membership number: ND-366

    Auriculothérapie, Décodage biologique, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Nutrition

    See profile
  • Bertrand HUCHOT

    Bertrand HUCHOT

    Membership number: ND-379

    Emotional management accompaniment, Accompagnement psycho-spirituel, Aide en cheminement, Anxiété, Détoxication, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Soins énergétiques

    See profile
  • Mai HUA

    Mai HUA

    Membership number: ND-382


    See profile
  • Natacha LECLERC

    Natacha LECLERC, Natacha Leclerc, naturopathe & entraîneuse

    Membership number: ND-385

    Alimentation, Allergies, Bilan de santé, BioTest de la Dysbiose Intestinale , BioTest des Intolérances Alimentaires , Bébé, Côlon irritable, Digestion, Foie, Gestion du poids, Inflammatory intestinal disease, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Phytothérapie, Stress, Système glandulaire, Types glandulaires, Élixirs floraux

    See profile

rong>Attention ! Please note that this directory contains only the list of Naturopaths who wish to make their contact information public This does not constitute the complete list of ANPQ members. If you wish to validate the membership status of a member, please use our validation tool by clicking here, or contact us by phone at1 450 824-3550 or toll free at 1 888 268-2516