hi?php $lang['members_section'] = "Member Section"; $lang['members_details'] = "Member details"; $lang['members_landing'] = "Welcome to the member area"; $lang['members_payment_history'] = "Payment History"; $lang['members_ereceipts'] = "eReceipts"; $lang['members_ereceipts_list'] = "eReceipts List"; $lang['members_ereceipts_create'] = "Create an eReceipt"; $lang['members_ereceipts_generate'] = "Generate blank paper receipts"; $lang['members_ereceipts_clients'] = "Clients"; $lang['members_messages'] = "Messages"; $lang['members_tarif'] = "Tariff per consultation"; $lang['members_taxes'] = "Include taxes by default"; $lang['members_no'] = "Membership number:"; $lang['members_formation'] = "Formation"; $lang['members_my_formations'] = "My formations"; $lang['members_see_details'] = "See details"; $lang['members_courses'] = "Continuing education"; /** * MEMBER SEARCH **/ $lang['members_filing'] = 'Client records'; $lang['members_my_clients'] = 'Client records'; $lang['members_all_specialization'] = "All services"; $lang['members_fill_schools'] = "Please enter the training programs you graduated from."; $lang['members_fill_offices'] = "Please fill at least one office."; $lang['members_search_title'] = "Validating the status of a member"; $lang['members_search'] = "Find a member"; $lang['members_search_submit'] = "Search"; $lang['members_search_no_results'] = "No professionals found matching this search."; $lang['members_is_member'] = "Member in good standing"; $lang['members_member_contact'] = "Please contact us"; $lang['members_not_member'] = "Nonmember"; $lang['members_search_label'] = "Last Name, First Name, Member Number"; $lang['members_search_last_name'] = "Last Name"; $lang['members_search_name'] = "Name"; $lang['members_search_first_name'] = "First Name"; $lang['members_search_number'] = "#"; $lang['members_search_phone'] = "Phone number"; $lang['members_search_address'] = "Address"; $lang['members_search_status'] = "Status"; $lang['members_my_profile'] = "Profile"; $lang['members_info'] = "Information"; $lang['members_all_regions'] = "All regions"; $lang['members_find_back'] = "Back to listing"; $lang['members_filters'] = "Filters"; $lang['members_services'] = "Services"; $lang['members_services_available'] = "Available Services"; $lang['members_keyword'] = "Keyword"; $lang['members_profile_title'] = "Profile"; $lang['members_results'] = " professional(s) found"; $lang['members_results_map'] = " location(s) found"; $lang['members_results_grid'] = " professional(s) found"; $lang['members_see_result'] = "See profile"; $lang['members_get_ereceipts'] = "Add eReceipts (". format_price(ERECEIPTS_FEE)." fee for each membership)"; $lang['members_get_profile'] = "Add Avantage Plus directory (". format_price(PROFILE_FEE)." fee)"; $lang['members_ereceipts_subscribe'] = "Do you want to use our electronic receipts management features? (". format_price(ERECEIPTS_FEE)." fee for each membership)"; $lang['members_public_profile'] = "Avantage Plus directory"; $lang['members_basic_profile'] = "Online directory"; $lang['members_company'] = "Company name"; $lang['members_company_tooltip'] = "Fill if your company name differs from your own name"; $lang['members_description_fr'] = "Description in French"; $lang['members_description_en'] = "Description in English"; $lang['members_null'] = "None"; $lang['members_vacations'] = "Hello, please note that the association's secretariat will be closed from December 22 to January 7, 2024, inclusively. We'll be happy to respond to your requests as soon as we return. We wish you a holiday season full of love, serenity, and happiness!

For urgent matters, please email info@collectifsante.ca and mention in the subject line: Urgent."; $lang['members_review_form'] = "Some data you submitted is invalid. Please review the fields in red and resubmit the form."; $lang['members_bookings_enable'] = 'Do you want to enable online appointment features?'; $lang['members_bookings_new_clients'] = 'Do you accept new clients from the online appointment features?'; $lang['members_bookings'] = 'Online Appointment'; $lang['members_bookingstypes'] = 'Appointment Types'; $lang['members_bookings_calendar'] = 'Connect to your agenda'; $lang['members_bookings_calendar_google'] = 'Connect to Google Calendar'; $lang['members_bookings_settings'] = 'Online Appointments Settings'; $lang['members_bookings_list'] = 'Appointments Calendar'; $lang['members_bookings_create'] = 'Create a new appointment'; $lang['members_bookingsschedules'] = 'Availability Schedule'; $lang['members_blocked_renewal'] = 'Renewal is currently blocked for the association.
Please fulfill the following condition(s) to be able to renew again:'; $lang['members_kinesitherapy'] = 'Are you qualified to give treatments in Kinesitherapy?'; $lang['members_orthotherapy'] = 'Are you qualified to give treatments in Orthotherapy?'; $lang['members_kinesitherapist'] = 'Kinesitherapist'; $lang['members_orthotherapist'] = 'Orthotherapist'; $lang['members_naturopath'] = 'Naturopath'; $lang['members_perinatal_naturopath'] = 'Perinatal Naturopath'; $lang['members_naturotherapist'] = 'Naturotherapist'; $lang['members_massotherapist'] = 'Massage Therapist'; $lang['members_massotherapist_senior'] = 'Senior Massage Therapist'; $lang['members_therapist'] = 'Therapist'; $lang['members_type'] = 'Type'; $lang['members_profile_explanation'] = 'You can activate your public profile in Avantage Plus, our online directory now for the remainder of the year, or wait for your renewal.'; /* MEMBER SURVEY */ $lang['survey_title'] = "MINI-SURVEY"; $lang['survey_intro'] = "
Dear therapists,

In order to offer you the maximum in service and support, the management team suggests the creation of a worker cooperative acting in synergy with the ANPQ/RMQ/ANQ network. Supplementing our exchanges with a new partner will allow us to complement and diversify our business potential. The goal is to offer, through the cooperative, a complete natural and therapeutic product distribution service as well as support to members wishing to market or develop their own creation or range of products. The opportunities are huge and the cooperative will achieve long-term savings that will enrich the entire natural health environment."; $lang['partenariat_coop_distribution'] = "Do you want the ANPQ/ANQ/RMQ network to establish a partnership with a distribution cooperative?"; $lang['survey_midtext'] = " Since the founding of our network, we have always encouraged our members to perfect their training by offering various workshops or refresher courses. We believe it is important to stay up to date with the knowledge and advances in our field. With this in mind, we would like to inform you that, as of 2018, continuing education will become mandatory for all our members. The main driver of this change is to meet the standards of the participating insurance companies, which now consider this as essential to the credibility and professionalism of an association. Fifteen (15) hours of continuing education will be required per year. The interest of our members is at our core, so we work hard to propose enriching courses.

In order to maximize quality and consistency, and negotiate cost-effective training, your network could make specific agreements with certain schools and/or trainers."; $lang['repertoire_souhait'] = "Do you want the ANPQ/ANQ/RMQ network to develop a continuing education directory for your needs?"; $lang['repertoire_use'] = "Would you use this directory?"; $lang['survey_note'] = "Comments or suggestions"; $lang['y-n'] = array( 1 => 'Yes', 0 => 'No' ); $lang['members_send_submit'] = 'Send'; /** * MEMBER FIND **/ $lang['members_video'] = "Video (YouTube or Vimeo)"; $lang['members_find'] = "Find a member"; $lang['members_find_region'] = "Region"; $lang['members_find_select'] = "Please choose a region or a specialisation"; $lang['members_find_specialisation'] = "Services"; $lang['members_find_form_title'] = "Search by region or specialisation"; $lang['members_office'] = "Office"; $lang['members_office_remove'] = "Remove office"; $lang['members_office_new'] = "New office"; $lang['members_office_add'] = "Add an office"; $lang['members_phone'] = "Phone"; $lang['members_extension'] = "Extension"; $lang['members_fax'] = "Fax"; $lang['members_id_file'] = "ID Document"; $lang['members_cellphone'] = "Cellphone"; $lang['members_website'] = "Website"; $lang['members_twitter'] = "Twitter account"; $lang['members_instagram'] = "Instagram page"; $lang['members_whatsapp'] = "Whatsapp number"; $lang['members_linkedin'] = "LinkedIn page"; $lang['members_facebook'] = "Facebook page"; $lang['members_skype'] = "Skype"; $lang['members_invalid_username'] = "Invalid username."; $lang['members_email'] = "E-mail address"; $lang['members_email_number'] = "E-mail address OR Membership number"; $lang['members_num'] = "Member num."; $lang['members_number'] = "Membership number"; $lang['members_number_all'] = "Membership number
Example: NA-1000, M-1000 or ND-1000"; $lang['members_number_anq'] = "Membership number
Example: NA-1000"; $lang['members_number_rmq'] = "Membership number
Example: M-1000"; $lang['members_number_anpq'] = "Membership number
Example: ND-1000"; $lang['members_website_visit'] = "Visit the website"; $lang['members_facebook_visit'] = "Visit the Facebook page"; $lang['members_linkedin_visit'] = "Visit the LinkedIn page"; $lang['members_open_skype'] = "Open Profile on Skype"; $lang['members_social_info'] = "Social websites and links"; $lang['members_twitter_visit'] = "Visit the Twitter page"; $lang['members_instagram_visit'] = "Visit the Instagram page"; $lang['members_address'] = "Address"; $lang['members_address_search'] = "Address search field"; $lang['members_address_autofill'] = "Autofill fields"; $lang['members_password'] = "Password"; $lang['members_password_note'] = "Password
Your password is in the box on your renewal form that you received in your mailbox."; /** * MEMBER FORGOT PASSWORD **/ $lang['members_forgot_password'] = 'Forgot password'; $lang['members_forgot_password_back'] = 'Back to login'; $lang['members_forgot_password_link'] = 'I forgot my password'; $lang['members_forgot_password_content'] = '

You can use the form below to retrieve your password. Simply enter the e-mail address linked to your member account and a message will be sent to your inbox.

'; $lang['members_forgot_password_not_found'] = 'No active account matching this e-mail address.'; $lang['members_forgot_password_not_found_other_site'] = 'No active account for this association. Please try again on %s instead.'; $lang['members_not_found_number'] = 'No active account matching this membership number.'; $lang['members_not_found_redirect_link'] = 'This membership number is valid on %s. Click here to log into your member area.'; $lang['members_forgot_password_pending'] = 'The account matching this e-mail address is pending approval.'; $lang['members_forgot_password_not_matched'] = 'The password is incorrect.'; $lang['members_forgot_password_not_sent'] = 'An error occurred while sending your request. Please try again later.'; $lang['members_forgot_password_sent'] = 'Your request was sent successfully. Please check your inbox to recuperate your password.'; $lang['members_new_password'] = 'Set your new password'; $lang['members_new_password_set'] = 'Your password was updated. You can now log in'; $lang['members_new_password_submit'] = 'Submit'; $lang['members_new_password_no_token'] = 'The token is invalid or has expired.'; $lang['members_new_password_content'] = 'You can use the form below to update your password. Simply enter your new password in both fields to confirm it.'; $lang['members_years_experience'] = "Years of experience"; $lang['members_years_experience_tooltip'] = "Please note that experience hours only count from the time you become a member."; /** * MEMBER LOGIN **/ $lang['members_login'] = 'Member Access'; $lang['members_logout'] = 'Log out'; $lang['members_logged_out'] = 'You have been logged out of your account.'; $lang['members_login_submit'] = 'Log In'; $lang['members_login_remember'] = 'Remember me'; /** * MEMBER Receipts **/ $lang['members_receipts_home'] = 'Receipts'; $lang['members_receipts'] = 'Order receipt books'; $lang['members_receipts_free'] = 'Free receipt books'; $lang['members_receipts_error'] = 'You must order at least one receipt book.'; $lang['members_pending_order_error'] = 'A previous order is still awaiting payment.'; $lang['members_receipts_confirmation'] = 'Receipts order confirmation'; $lang['members_receipts_label'] = 'Receipt books'; $lang['members_receipts_submit'] = 'Order receipt books'; $lang['members_order_title'] = 'Order receipt books'; $lang['members_certify_information'] = 'I certify that the information above is accurate.'; $lang['members_certify_information_link'] = 'I certify that the information above is accurate (modify my profile)'; $lang['members_booklets_note'] = '* A receipt book costs $6.00.'; $lang['members_receipts_payment_note'] = '* Your receipt books will be delivered as soon as we receive the payment.
** In person at the office, by appointment only.
'; $lang['members_receipts_pending'] = 'Waiting for payment '; $lang['members_receipts_pending_note'] = 'Your receipt booklets will be shipped upon receipt of payment.'; $lang['members_profile_pending'] = 'Waiting for payment '; $lang['members_ereceipts_pending'] = 'Waiting for payment '; $lang['members_payment_instructions'] = 'Payment Instructions'; $lang['members_payment_pending_pay'] = "You have an order pending payment. Please complete the payment."; $lang['members_payment_cancel_instructions'] = "If you encounter any problem or wish to cancel your order, please contact us and mention the order number: %s."; $lang['members_payment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmation of payment'; $lang['members_payment_check'] = 'Send your check payable to the '.strtoupper(CURRENT_SITE).' to the amount of %s to our address.'; $lang['members_payment_cash'] = 'Please contact us contact us to schedule an appointment at our office for payment in person, for the amount of %s.'; $lang['members_payment_paypal_button'] = 'Pay with Paypal'; $lang['members_payment_paypal'] = 'You have chosen to pay order #%s of %s with Paypal, click on the "Pay with Paypal" button below to proceed to payment.'; $lang['members_payment_paypal_adhesion'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your account is awaiting approval by the administration. Allow 5 to 10 business days to process your file, after which you will receive an email informing you of the admissions committee’s decision. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_adhesion_no_fee'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your account is awaiting approval by the administration. Allow 5 to 10 business days to process your file, after which you will receive an email informing you of the admissions committee’s decision. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_adhesion_transfer'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your account is awaiting approval by the administration. Allow 5 to 10 business days to process your file, after which you will receive an email informing you of the admissions committee’s decision. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_receipts'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your receipt booklets will be mailed in the next two business days. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_renewal'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your membership will be automatically renewed. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_renewal_special'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your membership will be automatically renewed. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_profile'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your profile is now available in the directory and you can edit it. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_annonces'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. Your ad needs to be approved before publication. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when it is published. '; $lang['members_payment_paypal_ereceipts'] = 'Your payment has been confirmed. You can now create eReceipts from your member area. '; /** * MEMBER Renew **/ $lang['members_renew'] = 'Renewal'; $lang['members_renewal'] = 'Renewal'; $lang['members_renewal_special'] = 'Renewal'; $lang['members_renew_title'] = 'Membership renewal'; $lang['members_renew_submit'] = 'Proceed to renewal'; $lang['members_justice'] = 'Have you ever had to address a problem with the law?'; $lang['members_accusation'] = 'Have you been accused of psychological or moral harassment
or professional misconduct in the previous year?'; $lang['members_accusation_note'] = 'The deliberate omission of the "truth" on this issue will result in your immediate radiation.'; $lang['members_associations'] = 'Associations to which you want to renew your membership'; $lang['members_renew_pending'] = 'Waiting for payment '; $lang['members_renew_pending_note'] = 'Your renewal will be completed as soon as we confirm the reception of the payment.'; $lang['members_renew_payment_note'] = '* Your renewal will be effective as soon as we receive the payment.
** In person at the office, by appointment only.
'; $lang['members_renew_confirmed'] = 'Your renewal is confirmed for %s (%s).'; $lang['members_renew_contest_entered'] = 'You’ve been entered into the contest.'; $lang['members_years_renew'] = 'I wish to renew for:'; $lang['members_years_register'] = 'I wish to register for:'; /** * MEMBER PROFILE **/ $lang['members_adhesion'] = 'Membership'; $lang['members_adhesion_request'] = 'Membership Request'; $lang['members_register'] = 'Membership Form'; $lang['members_register_back'] = ' Back'; $lang['members_profile_cancelled'] = 'Your profile modifications were cancelled.'; $lang['members_register_submit'] = 'Register and proceed to payment'; $lang['members_choose'] = 'Choose'; $lang['members_personal_infos'] = 'Personal Information'; $lang['members_full_name'] = "Name"; $lang['members_first_name'] = "First name"; $lang['members_last_name'] = "Last name"; $lang['members_password_confirm'] = "Confirmation"; $lang['members_gender'] = "Gender"; $lang['members_copy_info'] = "Copy Personal Information"; $lang['members_copy_info_note'] = "If your practice address is the same as your personal address, click on ".$lang['members_copy_info']."."; $lang['members_language'] = "Language"; $lang['members_language_choices'] = array( 'fr' => 'French', 'en' => 'English', ); $lang['members_where_anpq'] = "Where did you hear about our association?"; $lang['members_where_anq'] = "Where did you hear about our association?"; $lang['members_where_rmq'] = "Where did you hear about our grouping?"; $lang['members_where_choices'] = array( 'Collègue' => 'Colleague', 'Site Internet' => 'Website', 'École' => 'Your training school', 'Publicité' => 'Ad', 'Autre' => 'Other', ); $lang['members_where_other'] = "Precise:"; $lang['members_birthdate'] = "Birthdate (e.g.: YYYY-MM-DD)"; $lang['members_cellular'] = "Cellphone"; $lang['members_image'] = "Profile Image"; $lang['members_pro_infos'] = "Professional Information"; $lang['members_hide_office'] = "Do not display my business address."; $lang['members_office_2_add'] = "Add a second office"; $lang['members_office_2_remove'] = "Remove the second office"; $lang['members_office_2'] = "Second Office"; $lang['members_office_name'] = "Office name"; $lang['members_office_hide'] = "Hide these coordinates"; $lang['members_country'] = "Country"; $lang['members_province'] = "Province"; $lang['members_region'] = "Region"; $lang['members_region_note'] = "Note : the region must be selected or modified manually"; $lang['members_city'] = "City"; $lang['members_postal_code'] = "Postal code"; $lang['members_bookings_info'] = 'Online Appointments'; $lang['members_internet_infos'] = 'Internet and Social Networks'; $lang['members_additional_infos'] = 'Additional Information'; $lang['members_find_naturopath_plus'] = 'Do you wish to appear in Avantage Plus, our online directory of therapists? ('.format_price(PROFILE_FEE).' fee)'; $lang['members_find_naturopath'] = 'Do you wish to appear in our online directory of therapists?'; $lang['members_newsletter'] = 'Do you wish to receive our newsletter?'; $lang['members_newsletter_partners'] = 'Do you wish to receive the offers of our partners by e-mail ?'; $lang['members_work'] = 'Are you a legal resident or do you have a Canadian work permit ?'; $lang['members_bool'] = array( 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes', ); $lang['members_adhesion_note'] = 'Other precisions concerning your membership submission'; $lang['members_newsletter_note'] = 'You can unsubscribe anytime by editing your profile.'; $lang['members_documents_shipping'] = 'Voulez-vous recevoir une copie physique de vos documents par la poste ? (carte de membre et certificat)'; $lang['members_documents_shipping_note'] = 'Une version numérique de vos documents est disponible en tout temps dans votre espcae membre'; $lang['members_payment_title'] = 'Payment'; $lang['members_payment'] = 'Payment method'; $lang['members_payment_dots'] = 'Payment method:'; $lang['members_payment_choices'] = array( 'paypal' => 'PayPal', "global" => "Credit Card", //"free" => "Gratuit" //'check' => 'Check *', //'cash' => 'Cash **', ); $lang['members_payment_note'] = '* Your membership will be effective as soon as we receive the payment.
** In person at the office, by appointment only.
'; $lang['members_renew_methods_note'] = 'If you want to pay your renewal by check, money order or cash, please proceed with your coupon and send it to us by mail.
If you want to pay with your credit card, please continue with this form.
'; $lang['members_receipts_methods_note'] = 'To order online, please use PayPal.
If you want to pay by check, please post us your order with the following details:

Your name
Your membership number
The amount of receipt books desired
'; $lang['members_career_infos'] = 'Career and training'; $lang['members_careers_profession'] = 'Careers'; $lang['members_careers_specialization'] = 'Specialisations'; $lang['members_careers_training'] = 'Training'; $lang['members_careerfield_general'] = 'Other'; $lang['members_date_beginning'] = 'When did you start to practice?
Enter the year (ie.: '.date('Y').').'; $lang['members_previous_study'] = 'Previous education'; $lang["members_previous_study_choices"] = array( "" => 'Choose', "0" => 'None', 'college' => "College", 'universitaire' => "University", ); //$lang["members_hours_theoretical"] = "Number of theoretical hours"; //$lang["members_hours_intership"] = "Number of training hours"; //$lang["members_hours_personal"] = "Number of hours of personal work"; //$lang["members_hours_personal_tooltip"] = "The hours of practice and personal study before graduation"; $lang["members_hours_total"] = "Training hours"; $lang["members_schools"] = "Schools"; $lang["members_school"] = "School"; $lang["members_career_tooltip"] = "For each of your training courses or certificates, please complete the requested fields. To add additional training, click on: Add training."; $lang["members_school_tooltip"] = "Choose a school from the list. If your school is not present, you can add it by entering the complete name of your school in the field and clicking on Add."; $lang["members_year"] = "Year (Ie.: ".date('Y').")"; $lang["members_year_invalid"] = "Invalid year (Ie.: ".date('Y').")."; $lang["members_program"] = "Program"; $lang["members_program_tooltip"] = "Choose a program from the list. If your program is not present, you can add it by entering the complete name of your program in the field and clicking on Add."; $lang["members_program_choose"] = "Choose a program"; $lang["members_program_choose_school"] = "You must select a school first"; $lang["members_school_add"] = "Add a training course"; $lang["members_school_remove"] = "Delete training course"; $lang["members_school_new"] = "New training course"; $lang["members_degrees"] = "Degrees and/or certificates"; $lang["members_specialisation"] = "Specialisation for the member search"; $lang["members_account_pending"] = "Account pending approval"; $lang["members_account_pending_note"] = "Your account is pending approval from the administration. Please allow 5 to 10 business days for the processing of your application, after which you will receive an e-mail informing you of the decision of the admissions committee."; $lang["members_account_error"] = "An error occurred while creating your account. Please try again later."; $lang["members_payment_error"] = "An error occurred while processing your payment. Please contact us to correct the problem."; $lang["members_payment_pending"] = "There may be a delay in confirming your payment. Once the payment is finalized, you will receive a confirmation email."; $lang["members_email_taken"] = "An account already exists for this email address."; $lang["members_booklets_confirm"] = "Are you sure not to order books?"; $lang["members_email_taken_simplified"] = "An account matching this e-mail address has already been created for another association/grouping. Please use the simplified inscription."; $lang["members_my_profile"] = "My Information"; $lang["members_profile"] = "Personal Information"; $lang["members_profile_submit"] = "Save"; $lang["members_profile_cancel"] = "Cancel"; $lang["members_settings_submit"] = "Save"; $lang["members_settings_cancel"] = "Cancel"; $lang["members_profile_updated"] = "Your information was successfully updated."; $lang["members_other_associations_anq"] = "Already a member of the ANPQ or RMQ? Please use the simplified inscription."; $lang["members_other_associations_anpq"] = "Already a member of the ANQ or RMQ? Please use the simplified inscription."; $lang["members_other_associations_rmq"] = "Already a member of the ANQ or ANPQ? Please use the simplified inscription."; $lang["members_other_associations_login"] = "Please use the login credentials from your ANPQ, ANQ or RMQ existing account to proceed to the simplified inscription."; $lang["members_add_association"] = "Simplified inscription"; $lang['members_simplified_pending'] = 'Waiting for payment '; $lang['members_simplified_pending_note'] = 'Your payment will be completed upon receipt of your payment. Allow 5 to 10 business days to process your file, after which you will receive an email informing you of the admissions committee’s decision. '; $lang['members_account_problem'] = 'There was a problem during the process. Please try again later.'; $lang["members_gallery"] = "Photo gallery"; $lang["input_button_add"] = "Add a file"; $lang["input_button_remove"] = "Delete"; $lang["payment_note_adhesion"] = "Please choose a payment method and confirm your transaction.
You may order receipt booklets if you wish."; $lang["payment_note_adhesion_no_fee"] = $lang["payment_note_adhesion"]; $lang["payment_note_adhesion_transfer"] = $lang["payment_note_adhesion"]; $lang["payment_note_renewal"] = "Please choose a payment method and confirm your transaction."; $lang["payment_note_renewal_special"] = "Please choose a payment method and confirm your transaction."; $lang['payment_description'] = 'Description'; $lang['payment_qty'] = 'Quantity'; $lang['payment_price'] = 'Price'; $lang['payment_total'] = 'Total'; $lang['payment_total_dots'] = 'Total:'; $lang['payment_promotion'] = 'Promotion'; $lang['payment_description_adhesion'] = 'Annual membership for the %s from %s to %s'; $lang['payment_description_adhesion_no_fee'] = 'Annual membership for the %s from %s to %s'; $lang['payment_description_adhesion_transfer'] = 'Annual membership for the %s from %s to %s'; $lang['payment_description_renewal'] = 'Annual membership renewal for the %s for %s'; $lang['payment_description_renewal_special'] = 'Annual membership renewal for the %s for %s'; $lang['payment_description_receipts'] = 'Receipts booklets for %s'; $lang['payment_description_ereceipts'] = 'E-receipts for %s'; $lang['payment_description_annonces'] = 'Package (ads)'; $lang['payment_description_profile'] = 'Bottin Plus for %s'; $lang['payment_description_other'] = 'Other'; $lang['payment_description_free'] = 'Free'; $lang['payment_administration_fee'] = 'File opening fee'; $lang['payment_description_receipts'] = 'Booklet containing 35 receipts for the %s'; $lang['payment_receipts_included'] = '* Two receipt booklets are included with your membership.'; $lang['payment_submit'] = 'Proceed to payment'; $lang['members_mailing_confirm_mail'] = 'You will receive the next communications for members only and renewal notices by mail.'; $lang['members_mailing_confirm_email'] = 'You will receive the next communications for members only and renewal notices by e-mail.'; $lang['members_partners_confirm_yes'] = 'You will now receive offers from our partners by e-mail.'; $lang['members_partners_confirm_no'] = 'You won\'t receive offers from our partners by e-mail.'; $lang['members_documents'] = 'Documents'; $lang['members_documents_certificate'] = 'Membership Certificate'; $lang['members_documents_card'] = 'Membership Card'; $lang['members_documents_title'] = 'Title'; $lang['members_documents_type'] = 'Type'; $lang['members_documents_description'] = 'Description'; $lang['members_documents_download'] = 'Download'; $lang['members_no_documents'] = 'You have no documents available for download.'; $lang['members_download_document'] = 'Click to download the document'; $lang['members_renewal_expired'] = 'Your membership has expired. You can proceed to renewal to regain access to certain pages.'; $lang['members_renewal_special_expired'] = 'Your membership has expired. You can proceed to renewal to regain access to certain pages.'; $lang['members_postal_or_mail'] = 'Do you want to receive communications for members only and renewal notice by mail or email?'; $lang['members_postal_or_mail_choices'] = array( 1 => 'Mail', 0 => 'E-mail', 2 => 'Both', ); $lang['members_view_mode_grid'] = 'Grid'; $lang['members_view_mode_map'] = 'Map'; Soothe seasonal allergies with naturopathy | ANPQ

Soothe seasonal allergies with naturopathy

July 29th, 2022

Runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, itching... For people living with seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, every year it's the same thing: we flee the country, swallow decongestants and antihistamines and restock our tissues.

The main culprits: tree pollen, ragweed and grasses. Is there anything to do with naturopathy to prevent but also to calm seasonal allergy attacks when they occur? Absolutely! Here is a range of interesting solutions to survive and, above all, enjoy the beautiful season in complete serenity:

First of all, take care of the terrain

There are several factors that play a role in the appearance of allergies, including genetics, environmental factors and stress. While we cannot control genetics, we can control environmental factors and stress.

Adopt a healthy diet for the immune system

To take care of one's immune system is first of all to adopt a healthy and varied diet, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also in phytonutrients of all kinds that act as a medicine for our body. This type of diet will contribute to the health of the immune system and reduce inflammatory factors.

First of all, inflammatory and immune-suppressing foods such as sugar, dairy products and gluten should be avoided as much as possible. These foods can cause intolerance, inflammation and be recognized as "antigen" by the immune system. As for sugar, it should be consumed in moderation, except of course, the natural sugar in fruits. Indeed, a higher sugar level slows down the ability of white blood cells to attack the intruder and a too high sugar intake increases inflammation and cortisol levels which is detrimental to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Key Nutrients for Immune Health

It will be important to avoid deficiencies in these few key nutrients for a good immune response: Vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, zinc and protein.

Phytonutrient of interest : Quercetin

Quercetin is an organic compound of the flavonoid family. According to some studies, it has properties to reduce allergic rhinitis, asthma and inflammation. Here are some foods rich in quercetin: red onions (especially the peel), capers, lovage, apples, red grapes, berries, figs, beans, broccoli.

Balancing the intestinal microbiota

The health of the intestinal flora, our magical ecosystem that allows for adequate immunity, will be paramount. Scientific links (and more and more of them) have shown links between the appearance of allergies and gut health. A good probiotic supplement will do the trick over the long term to correct the problem or at least improve it. Other tips will also be beneficial, such as adding lacto-ferments to the diet. Think of adding a little organic sauerkraut to your daily diet for example. In addition, our micro-organisms that make up the intestinal flora love variety and color. This is because it provides a large amount of different phytonutrients. Taking prebiotics (Jerusalem artichoke, inulin, dandelion, chicory, yacon) will also help feed the "friendly" bacteria of a healthy flora. Finally, it is wise to avoid preservatives, overcooked meats, deli meats, nitrites, sugar and sweeteners. These are harmful to our microbiota. And finally, adopting lifestyle habits that allow us to better manage stress and greatly promote intestinal health.


Some natural products to the rescue

Omega 3

Omega 3 essential fatty acids reduce the risk of developing allergies and have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Dose: 1-2 capsules per day in addition to a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids: flaxseed, hempseed, walnuts, fish and seafood.


Quercetin is an antioxidant that is part of the flavonoids, which has properties to modulate the immune system. According to some studies, it could help prevent and alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms, especially by reducing congestion and irritation of the eyes. More conclusive studies have yet to be done, but it is worth trying!

Dose: 100-200 mg capsules, 3 times daily. To be combined with vitamin C for an even more antihistaminic effect.

Nettle (Urtica dioïca)

Nettle is a plant with very interesting antihistamine properties thanks to its quercetin content in addition to containing good amounts of vitamin C.

Dose: As a preventive measure, you can drink a large quantity (2-3 cups per day) of nettle tea every day for several months, at least the 3-4 months before the appearance of allergens in the air. If you like the taste, it is even better to take it daily, for a full year! In "crisis" mode, take a dosage of 1ml of tincture in a little water every 30 minutes until symptoms diminish and up to a maximum of 15ml per day.

German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

German chamomile steam baths can alleviate itching, itchy eyes and redness. Indeed, its essential oils, chamazulenes, which are powerful anti-inflammatories, act on the mucous membranes of the nose and bronchi in addition to having an antihistaminic effect against allergic rhinitis and bronchial constrictions involved in asthma.

Preparation: Pour 1-2L of boiling water on a handful of chamomile flowers and breathe for 10-20 minutes over the jar or pot with a towel over your head. Be careful not to burn yourself! It is also possible to prepare a concentrated chamomile tea, let it cool and soak a cotton cloth to make compresses on the eyes. This is very soothing and will help reduce redness and swelling.

Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)

Elderberry, being anti-inflammatory and mucolytic, will greatly help regulate mucous membrane secretions. It also reduces inflammation of the respiratory system, caused by allergic rhinitis. It can be combined with nettle for even more effectiveness.

Dose: Infuse 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of water (fresh or dried flowers). In case of crisis, drink 3 cups per day and up to 1 cup per hour.

Plantain (Plantago Major or Plantago lanceolata)

This small, common-looking plant has many medicinal properties against allergies. Its leaves and medicinal components reduce histamine hyperactivity, tone the lungs and ease nasal congestion.

Use and dosage: Simply chew a little every day to obtain interesting effects. Otherwise, the juice of plantain leaves can be a solution, although the taste is not very tasty. You can also take the tincture (of the fresh plant) at a rate of 10 to 40 drops, 3 to 4 times a day.


Other tips


Acupuncture has good results in preventing and controlling seasonal allergies. Acupuncturists usually recommend starting sessions early in the season, in early spring. Combined with naturopathy and a healthy lifestyle, acupuncture can be a great way to get rid of allergic rhinitis!

Air filter

A HEPA air filter could potentially be beneficial. It filters out many of the allergenic particles in the air in your home. There are also vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter.