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Luce BELANGER, Centre des 4 directions - Center 4 directions

Membership number: ND-1443


The vision of the Center 4 directions is to offer training and services that will contribute to the well-being and transformation of participants through traditional Indigenous activities. Drum making workshops, medicinal plants, talking circles, indigenous culture awareness conferences, sweat lodges, etc. A space open to all those in search of an ancestral experience or even personal healing led by Luce Bélanger, guardian of ancestral knowledge.

Available Services

  • Accompagnement psycho-spirituel
  • Accompagnement à la naissance
  • Aide en cheminement
  • Coach PNL
  • Coach en gestion de la santé
  • Coach holistique
  • Enfants/Adultes
  • Herboristerie
  • Maternité
  • Ménopause
  • Naturopath
  • P.N.L.
  • Trauma
  • Women health

Luce Bélanger

90, chemin du Lac Huot, Val-des-Monts, J8N 1E4
819 457-2899
819 208-4062